Last week was the heck of a week. Everything seems so easy but they are not. And everyone are full of themselves. Singing all day long like there's no tomorrow. Cats and dogs are dancing like there's no war.
Long Live The King! (erkk!)
Long Live The King! (erkk!)
how on earth do I ended up with a boring weekends?
let's see;
- we have replacement class on saturday
- owh great, lecture for chemistry got canceled
- oh noooo!! BEL!
- how wonderful, only the core subjects are replacing classes even during weekends
- and Miss Khaizan won't replaced her tutorial on saturday, h0oray!!
- maths..(sir Latiff nak plak cancel2 class nieh)
- (eh, bkn semalam mdm Nora kata xde kelas ke?)...yeay, no biology lecture!!!
- woke up late on Sunday, missed the opening ceremony for program 'Memilih Menara Gading', causing a heart pain to a beloved friend (+,+)"
:: 12am - 5am ::
What? I had a girl talk? Well sure not.
We(the guys) had one too, Guys Talk [applause].
So that night, I dropped by at one of my classmate's room while waiting for our movie night.
Then we started talking, and the talk goes on for 2 hours.
I haven't been talking craps to a friend this long since SPM. Owh how I missed those days (^^)
I missed my friends a lot [and I felt like uttering a cry now].
We started talking about girls and stuff, merepek-ing all the way for hours. You know what, we were actually talking about our passed LOVE. How did we get 'involved' in this twisted happily-ever-after. How does it ended up with superb frustration, or hideous memories. And the best part was, what were we doing during those so-called-romantic moments. Epic failure! Cinta monyet~
After that 2 hours and half, we realized about the movie night. Since it's 2:30am already, there's no great reason for the rest of the boys (Girls' Generation) to stay awake just to wait for the movie night. Oh well~ We continued talking about our previous school. Well both of us came from 2 different MJSCs, so there were lots more to talk about.
The talk goes on with big laughter, hot issues (4Minute), craps and nonsense. But it was great having this kind of moment with your friends though, since we would never know how would he/she felt over the past few days, or even months ever since we get to know each other. It's a stress releasing. So be wise by spending a super quality time with your friends, get to know each other more because we would never know, when is goodbye. Hey, those 5 hours that passed by, they're not wasted at all. You know yourself when you are in pain and you need someone to talk to, so take these chances, boys and girls.
until then,
:: Thank You ::
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