Sunday 17 July 2011

Artis YouTube in the houze..

Hydil Arief
Ha, ni namanye Hydil Arief.
Apparently, he is my housemate and my classmate as well.
A genius? Yup!
Hot stuff? Haha3. You bet!
Dalam diam, classmate aku punya kawan have a huge 'dush!' on him.
How? keje kawan aku ni laa asyik cakap pasal kelas kitorg.

What a coincidence as well, he is also a former SRC's President.
Hydil ni dahulunya bersekolah di MRSM PDRM Kulim.
Memegang jawatan Presiden Badan Wakil Pelajar 2009/2010.

Cuba search di YouTube : Hydil Arif.
That's him and his cousin, Arif.
Same age, same mind, same craziness.
They are on their way to have a huge project of being a YouTube artists.
What a dream. Huhu!