Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Minggu Destini Siswa (MDS)

Helmi Amran

Started from the 21st of May and it continues for a week.
 It's like an orientation week for us the new students in UiTM system. 
In order for you to fit in and tried to settle up anything necessary, MDS was help by the UiTM's students itself and they were doing Degree at this moment. 
To fulfil their co-curricular needs, they participated in this event and become the facilitator for us. 
They were great. 
They sacrificed their holidays just to make sure that the next generation of UiTM students continue to excel without any side problems such as homesick (ceyh!).

Seperti apa yang anda lihat daripada gambar-gambar di atas, ia merupakan antara aktiviti yang kami jalani semasa MDS. Kami ditugaskan untuk melakonkan kembali senario yang telah diberikan. Sangat menyayat hati, wah! Tak adalah. Sangat mencuit hati. Masing-masing dengan idea yang berbeza-beza.

UiTM Mengubah Destini Anak Bangsa

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