Today remarks the day of my last test paper in foundation and here I am, another 2 coming weeks in Asasi Sains, UiTM Puncak Alam. This morning I had my Chemistry test for the last time, yesterday was Physics and I had Biology and Maths on the same day last Thursday.
Last Thursday was a major heart breakdown. Lets just say that I'm not in my best mood after the test. Early in the morning we had our class the usual way which BEL was in the first 2 hours. The next class was canceled considering that we might not be able to concentrate in the tutorial class because of the evening test. So there we were, studying in the last hours and struggling to remember each and every terms exist and methods of solving maths.
Any who, so this is my story.
A day before I lend my biology note to my friend since I slept in his room that night.
While I was studying other chapter, he was studying the chapter he borrowed from me.
Then I fell asleep with hope that he will wake me up at 3am but instead he slept at 2am with his alarm set at 3am. As if I'm going to wake up like that!
So we literally woke up at 6.50am.
Akhirnya tak study laa aku malam tu. Oleh itu, boleh tahan kusut jugak laa kepala nie.
Then I proceed studying what have I planned earlier and get this, topik bio yang aku baca tak masuk pon [ada laa sikit], yang masuk adalah topik nota yang aku bagi kawan aku, maths? Boleh pulak terlupa! dammit!
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well what can i say, silap sendiri laa kan |
Terciptalah hari emo sedunia apabila aku mula membanjiri timeline Twitter aku dengan kata-kata pelemah semangat, like seriously!

Alhamdulillah on that particular night, students of UiTM Puncak Alam got the chance to hear a talk by Imam Muda Hassan. Mainly its about our aim towards success. The talk goes on perfectly and I am able to get rid of that super bad feeling from the evening, ALHAMDULILLAH! Kalau masih ada perasaan tue confirm mengamuk sampai keesokan harinya. The power of ilmu agama [^^]v
So that's it for test, now move on to final.
Well the best of luck to every single Asasi students from UiTM Puncak Alam.
Insya-Allah, perbetulkan niat dan belajarlah bersungguh-sungguh tanpa mengeluh.
Study as you do it for Allah, for Islam, bukan kerana kecemerlangan semata.
That's all from me, until then,
assalamualaikum w.b.t
Khamis- hari sentap sedunia. haha.
ReplyDeletenew blog template? nice~~
hhaha. xde laa baru mana. few weeks i guess. p0nek den edit nieh. thnk u, thnk u..