what a wonderful day, isn't it? We're having a day off without replacement class today (booyah!). It's been awhile since we, the Foundation students have a real Saturday. Alhamdulillah for today. However, we're having our first chemistry test for this 2nd semester, tomorrow on 3.15pm to 4.15pm. Wish me luck =)
What would be the first thing that came across your mind when it comes to think of this picture?
And you say, "As if I don't know this is elephant. Pffftt!"
Alhamdulillah, pada 24 Disember 2011 aku berpeluang menyertai program anjuran Kelab Khidmat Masyarakat ke Zoo Negara. Some of the club members were not joining the program, thanks to Ricma who said it out loud ( =P ), I grab that opportunity with a blink of an eye. To make it more interesting, the orphanage from Rumah Amal Suci Rohani joined the program as well which sum up to 100 participants, 60 from the UiTM and 40 orphanages. Apparently Miss Khaizan, the club's advisor did not have the chance to join us since she was on something that day (I guess). So the club members did almost everything by themselves. Bravo!
Zul, tulang belakang Program Khidmat Masyarakat 2011. |
The main point for this trip was so obvious, as part of the community, we as students are playing our part to be the helping hands for this innocent child who were unfortunately, grew up with not even a single parent. We even bring donations from UiTM Puncak Alam's students and it's a lot I tell you. Thank you. Insya-Allah, all the kindness and generosities, will be paid fair enough or even better once we meet Him.
atas: Maisarah and Hasmila bawah: Fadhila, Shalia and Azmyza |
Thoriq |
Isn't it nice to see this smile?
This is Thoriq, one of the orphanage from Rumah Amal Suci Rohani and this is him during our lunch time.
For a 6 years old (7 for this year =P ), he eats quite little I guess.
Azmyza Azmy and Zaid |
Hasmila Nazri and Maisarah Basri |
We walk around the zoo while browsing for something interesting, and Thoriq was like, "Mana gajah?" non-stop. huhu! Sabar laa dik oi. And that makes me laugh a lot since he kept running around while I had to chase him back. What a hyper kid [and we were warn before] hehe =)
The finale of this trip was the 'Lagu Kanak-Kanak' competition and I can conclude that, it was embarassing yet funny.
"Mana gajah, mana gajah, disini, disini.
Mari kita tengok, mari kita tengok, ga gajah, ga gajah."This song was sang by Thoriq at first, but he ended up not singing with us and busy with his blue Doraemon mini fan. huhu!
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that blue mini fan |
The trip ended well and lots of compliment I get (# ^-^ #) *blushing3
"Kau macam bapak orang laa Pa'an."
Farhan Baharin and Thoriq |
But at the end of it, total exhaustion! hhaha3. And all I could say is, "This 'daddy' thing can wait."
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Hydil Arief |
Owh, did I mentioned he was also in the trip?
Till we meet again readers.
Thanks for reading =)
.:: Gamsahamnida ::.
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Some of D6 awesome |